
Oh, You’re Strong…

We (society, in general) often excuse away people’s experiences, especially when it comes to Black women, by saying “Oh, you’re strong.” Let me tell you, that’s not comforting…at all. It creates this false narrative that nothing affects us. We don’t get a moment to be vulnerable. We take blows and keep going like nothing ever happened.

When do we sit and process? When do we heal?

I’m shit at posting personal things; I don’t share much of my life especially not online. When I started Kinks Of Nature, it was meant to be an outlet. I’d just moved back to The Bahamas, and job hunting there is a different level of stress. However, I had loads of free time so I got to spend it doing things I enjoyed.

Now, with working from home and still living in a country far from my loved ones, I find it even more important to carve out time – and space – for self care. Home isn’t just a sanctuary anymore. We live where we work. Granted it’s fortunate that some have this flexibility and have retained employment during the pandemic. However, the household dynamic has changed.

I’ve made a conscious effort to just return to me…deliberately carving out time to do what I love, and making sure home still feels like home and not the office. I realised I wasn’t making enough time for that before the lockdown. Things would happen, and I’d have to bounce back immediately – no time to process or recover…just keep it moving.

As cliche as it sounds, sometimes you do have to stop and smell the roses…or some lovely scented candles with a hint of tobacco, sandalwood, and plum (yum!)…but to each his own. You get the idea.



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