Tower Bridge

Adjusting…Slowly, but Surely

My first week in London was a shock to my system! I was sick the entire time and stayed in bed most of the time. Once I was well enough to venture out, I went around the area a bit and went to a couple events on campus. Even so, I still don’t feel as though I’ve really seen London yet. Hopefully, I’ll have the time to do so in the coming weeks.

The biggest adjustment for me so far is the weather; I am always cold. Then there’s the rain that isn’t really rain but more of an annoying mist that will smack you in the face at every turn. The few days that are sunny are truly a delight.

Nevertheless, I do like it here and am beyond grateful for the opportunity! I’ve been here 2 weeks and still have occasional bouts of disbelief.

Now back to these books…

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