Bath & Body

Bath & Body Favorites of 2014

These are some of the products I’ve used consistently in 2014. No matter what I try, I always return to these.

Carmex: It’s a lip balm that consistently works for me. I’ve been using it for at least 10 years now.

Bekura Beauty (formerly BASK Beauty) Cocoa Nibs & Banana Sugar Sorbet: This is a a great exfoliator packed with sugar. Unlike some scrubs that are mostly oil, the Sugar Sorbet is packed to the rim with sugar. It’s an intense scrub, and I don’t need to use it everyday.

Bekura Beauty (formerly BASK Beauty) Plantain Spice Warming Body Butter: I love this and have had it for about a year now. It’s a firm butter that smells of plantain and cinnamon. Ash be gone!

Dudu-Osun Black Soap: this cleanses my skin better than any other product I’ve ever tried. It works for me, and I’ve been using it for years. Whenever, I try a new product, I always return to this black soap.

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